3 June 2011

CEEQUAL 'Excellent' Award presented to Taunton Park and Ride at the ICE South West Dinner

The Taunton Park and Ride scheme, undertaken on behalf of the Somerset County Council by Aggregate Industries Ltd and Bardon Contracting, will receive its CEEQUAL ‘Excellent’ award at the Institution of Civil Engineers South West Annual Dinner and Awards at the Bristol Marriott Royal on Friday 10 June.

Taunton Park and Ride has been designed to alleviate congestion for traffic travelling into Taunton town centre by providing a realistic alternative for commuters and shoppers travelling from the north, east, and south of Taunton.

The project was assessed as a Construction Only Award and achieved a 76.8% score following the extra environmental measures Aggregate Industries Ltd and Bardon Contracting put in place during the build. These included:

  • Re-use 48,000 m3 of inert material on site, reducing the number of wagon deliveries to landfill.
  • Ecological measures such as installation of bat boxes and protection of badger setts have enhanced the wildlife habitats.
  • Re-use of site water for dust suppression.
  • Consideration of neighbours with reduced operating times of noisy equipment.

For more information about this project please see

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Note to Editors


  1. CEEQUAL was originally developed by a team led by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and part-funded by the ICE Research and Development Enabling Fund and the UK Government.
  2. Since the Scheme’s launch in late 2003, more than 70 final and more than 40 interim CEEQUAL Awards have been made to a very wide range of civil engineering and public realm projects. Almost all projects that have received an Award are listed on the CEEQUAL website.
  3. CEEQUAL measures how far beyond minimum legal compliance towards pinnacle best practice the project team has performed. There are four grades to the Awards: Pass, Good, Very Good and Excellent.
  4. The Scheme is run through CEEQUAL Ltd, owned by a group of organisations that were actively involved in the development of the Scheme, including the ICE, the Association for Consultancy and Engineering, the Civil Engineering Contractors’ Association and the Chartered Institution of Water and Environment Management.

For press enquiries, contact:

Lise Watkins
[email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3137 2379

Dana Carouba
[email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)20 72549 3302





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