CEEQUAL for Term Contracts
CEEQUAL for Term Contracts has been specifically created for the assessment of civil engineering and public realm works that are undertaken through contracts over a number of years and in a geographical or operational area. The benefits are primarily the same as for projects assessed using CEEQUAL but the methodology has been amended to suit the way these contracts are procured, managed and delivered.
With construction works orders for the individual jobs within the contract often running into 1,000s per month, not only is the nature of the work often different from projects, but its procurement and management are also different.
If the work is more like a project, but involves construction of new works that comprise a relatively limited number of focused operations, for example linear projects like electrification of railways, then using the Term Contracts Assessment Manual for Construction of small or repetitive new works may be more appropriate than using CEEQUAL for Projects. For Term Contracts, there are two types of Award available to recognise the achievement of the whole contract team or just the delivery team, with Verified Assessments in the first and penultimate years of the contract and surveillance visits by the CEEQUAL Verifier at least every year in between and in the final year before contract completion. Term contracts offer a convenient means of carrying out large numbers of discrete jobs of relatively low individual value. Through this mechanism procurement costs per job are minimised by work simply being initiated by a written order or instruction. The success of such a contract is normally a reflection of the strength of the contractor’s understanding of the client’s requirements, the teamwork generated amongst the parties, and the successful delivery of these requirements. So it is recognised that any assessment of term contracts should be a team effort between all parties involved in the contract: client, designer (if included), contractor and contract manager or engineer. This approach should maximise the opportunity for any CEEQUAL Assessment to be ultimately successful.
Let's get started...
In order to achieve a CEEQUAL Award, the project team (or whom ever is leading the CEEQUAL Assessment: Client, Designer or Contractor) will need to first choose the type of Award they would like to achieve and then choose what Assessment they would like to use in order to reach their Award.
Both the Award and Assessment type will be stated on the final Award certificate.
1. Choosing your Award & Assessment type:
In contrast to CEEQUAL for projects, there are just two types of Assessment and Awards available for the Term Contracts Scheme. These are independent of whether the works are assessed using the Maintenance Assessment Manual, the Construction Assessment Manual or a combination.
Whole Team Award & Assessment – available for use when the client mandates the use of CEEQUAL on a contract. Under this award Section 1: Client Contract Strategy is mandatory and the contract is assessed using Sections 1 to 9.
Delivery Award & Assessment – available for where the contractor(s) and designer(s) making up the contract delivery team wish to use CEEQUAL to assess their performance without the direct instruction or involvement of the Client. With this award, Section 1: Client Contract Strategy is omitted from the assessment and the delivery team assess their performance only against Sections 2 to 9.
2. Choosing your Assessment Manual type:
Currently, CEEQUAL Assessments for Term Contracts is available under Version 5 of the overarching methodology, and has two question sets: one for Maintenance Works and one for Construction, with two matching Manuals, and matching spreadsheets for capturing the scores and evidence.
Maintenance: For works such as highway repairs and resurfacing in a county or borough over a period of five years, bridge repairs and maintenance and rail track maintenance in a Network Rail operational area. The work may involve a number of different types of work across the operational area at different times, and the precise nature, scope and location of all the works to be undertaken may not be know at the beginning of the contract
Construction: In the example given above of the electrification of railways, this may involve three or four types of work such as bridge raising, track lowering, installation of the gantries and overhead power lines, and the installation of the power supply and distribution facilities. For highways, this could include a workstream of remodelling junctions that is included in what is otherwise a maintenance contract. It may also include significant modification of existing assets that includes new works
NOTE: For contracts whose scope includes both maintenance and construction works, both Assessment Manuals are used, the assessments are undertaken in parallel within the overall assessment, and the scores aggregated to arrive at an overall score.
Contract Teams may need to discuss with CEEQUAL which Manual(s) is best suited for their needs. Please contact Ian Nicholson (Tel: +44 (0)1509 363 101)
3. Feescales
The fee is based on the contract value of the contracted works or, if applying early in the process, on the client's or engineer's estimate. Please contact Roger Venables (Tel: +44 (0)20 3137 2379) to discuss your contract before applying.
4. Applying for your Award
Please complete and return the application form below to [email protected]
CEEQUAL for Term Contracts Application form
5. First time Assessor? You will need to be trained
If you are a first time CEEQUAL Assessor you will need to complete one of our training courses before undertaking a CEEQUAL Assessment. Click here to learn more and to see forthcoming training courses.