Meadowhead & Stevenston UID Scheme - Work Package 6 |
Construction Only Award
Project Team
Client: Scottish Water
Designers: Halcrow / Black & Veatch
Morrison Black & Veatch
Waste Management
![]() Aerial photo Fairlie Mains to Coast |
Farmland pipelaying
At the Kilmarnock end of the project there had to be an 8000m3 storage tank as part of the North Lodge Pumping Station facility. The tank installation was formed with 16 No. rows of parallel 2.6m dia twin wall Weholite pipes. The construction had been preceded by a large ground stabilisation project because of the unstable old mineworkings under the area of the tank .
The North Lodge tank was the largest tank of this type in Europe and was positioned to occupy the rock above the mineworkings at a depth of 6m below the farmers fields. All the excavated rock arising from the site would normally have had to go to landfill. However the Project team were able to negotiate with a local landowner who was trying to upfill an area of ground in order that he could use the raised ground to build houses.
Left: North Lodge Pumping Station twin wall Weholite pipes | Right: North Lodge upfill site aerial image
The rock material was excavated and transported to the developers upfill project since this was within the site boundaries. A haul road was constructed with the initial rock and lorries were used to transport all the material to this site without having to use the public roads.
Relations with Local Community and other stakeholders
The Meadowhead & Stevenston Project covers a large geographical area from the town centre in Irvine in North Ayrshire to the town centre in Kilmarnock in East Ayrshire and farmland between the two towns. It will aid Scottish Water meet stringent EU directives and Bathing Water Standards set by Scottish Environmental Protection Agency.
The project engaged with 76,000 people directly or indirectly listened to them, incoprporated their ideas and suggestions and made sure they The project was two years in design phase with approx 250 boreholes sunk and investigation work for various routes undertaken. Following discussions with local residents disruption was minimised To ensure that there was no surprise to local residents there was an extensive communications exercise started well befeore the project Competitions were held at local schools to name the major tunnelling machines in Irvine and Kilmarnock Local School job Fairs were In Irvine an important annual event is Marymass Fair in August and the project team programmed the completion of all major pipelaying work in the area where the Fair takes place to ensure that the reinstatement was able to be established prior to the Fair taking place. This played a major part in ensuring local life was disrupted as little as possible.In Kilmarnock the pipe route was discussed with East Ayrshire Council and the route was adjusted to avoid the local shopping streets |
To what extent did the use of CEEQUAL influence your project?
Cleaning up Irvine Bay and two Ayrshire rivers, the Kilmarnock Water and the River Irvine, has been the driver for the Meadowhead and Stevenston Project, delivering environmental improvement across a large part of North, East & South Ayrshire.
This grand scale project improves water quality in Ayrshire’s rivers and remained sensitive to environmental impact. Surveys and consultations helped the project team to minimise adverse construction impact eg by fish removal and regulating water abstraction
Left: Howard Park Work, Kilmarnock | Right: Kilmarnock Water pipelaying work
CEEQUAL was used by the project team to raise awareness of the issues relevant to the delivery of the project within the wider community and record the actions taken to alleviate the issues.
Waste Management was minimised by the Project team by the agreed methods used in implementing the work required by the project such as those detailed in the Case Study.
The Relations with the Local Community and Other Stakeholders were maintained to a high standard with the 76.000 customers in the region covered by the project work. Customer expectations were exceeded and through measures such as tunnel naming competitions with local Primary Schools relationships with the project team and local community were strengthened.
Left: Twirling Tina | Right: Bella Borealot